Content and editorial responsibility

WU ZBP Career Center GmbH
LC Building, Ground floor, Lower ground floor,
Welthandelsplatz 1
1020 Vienna

FN 486787p Commercial Court Vienna
UID ATU 73164345

Trades carried on:

Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Section: General Section - Occupational Group: Placement Services
Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Section: Advertising and Market Communication -
Occupational Group: Advertising Agency
Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Section: Leisure and Sports Operations/Division of Tourism and Leisure Industry: Event Agency


Mag. Ursula Axmann
Mag. Heike Schreiner

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All texts on this homepage have been checked carefully. Notwithstanding, no guarantee can be assumed for the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of information. Any liability shall therefore be excluded. Articles bearing the author’s name need not represent the opinion of the website operators. The links to other websites have been selected carefully. As the operators of this website have no control over the content of those sites, the associations named above shall not assume any responsibility of such content.


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Disclosure pursuant to §25 Media Act
Media owner: WU ZBP Career Center GmbH
LC Building, Ground floor, Lower ground floor,
Welthandelsplatz 1
1020 Vienna